Thursday, May 12, 2011

An urge in ROAR!!

She is dangerous yet so elegant; she is a predator yet so calm and she is not alone this time, walking with her cubs along with her herd of a dozen. I was reading Times of India yesterday and was amazed to see a column there, it was written on Sumatran tigers. Usually news related to the tigers always talks about tiger’s extinction, poaching or some saving campaign, but it was different. It was about a certainty that we could again hear the same loud and royal roar of this elegant creature in Sumatran jungles. And the proofs to support this news are nothing but few shots, however this time shots were not from the guns, they were from cameras installed in Sumatran jungles and they have captured few amazing images of tigers, which were assumed to be extinct before this day. It is been told that there are 12 tigers in Sumatran jungle, All are captured in images including a tigress with her cub. 
This is really great to see that Sumatran tigers are continuing to breed and has given a ray of hope that we haven’t lost them completely. All credit goes to tigers themselves otherwise we humans have tried our best to place them in our favorite list of extinct animals (which is growing with an enormous growth rate) with a place very close to Bali and Java tigers and have already reserved index for them in story books and placed jars of their sizes in museums… now they all will go in vain!!.
No worries people we still have chance to get them in the list, I have read somewhere that some Indonesian paper producing company is setting up their plant on the very same place, where this herd of tigers have got noticed. If the company has got clearance from government to setup their plant there then nobody can protect them from extinction… Are we hearing an urge in their roar? If not then consider it to be the last roar from Sumatra...

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