Monday, November 29, 2010


The moment I type this word in MS word... I look for its synonyms… and the most familiar word I find is ‘Hope’… I always have unconvinced explanation for this word… I always hear people saying… “Never keep expectations, they hurt” … and unfortunately, sometimes it comes out true… logically!
Take this case… One lucky day you meet someone… and as every good relationship starts with a good and healthy friendship, so it does… luckily, you start meeting her everyday… and very slowly you find that you actually love to be with her... in her presence you forget all of your pains… whose chattering soothe you… whose smile makes your day and you find it world’s the most beautiful!!… you sleep at night in hope to meet her in morning… you lend your ears on her every small – small sayings… you love looking into her eyes… you find all of your answers there… you do not hesitate in making the most stupidest and obvious excuse just to listen her voice even if it is just… hmm/yes/ok!!... you feel her pain… you try your best to solve all of her problems… you find your happiness in her happiness… you know her likes/dislikes… you try doing everything which makes her happy and comfortable… you notice every little thing of her… in fact you start taking care of everything which is directly/indirectly related to her... you never knew but you actually feel great in doing that!
When you are busy in service… there is one more thing growing parallel to this… unnoticed… unintended… and that is Hope… hope of being treated in the same manner you treat her… if not all, at least for few!!... and when you don’t find it to be happen, you start feeling blue… whenever you look into her eyes you feel unanswered… you find yourself in such a conversation in which all you listen is just your echo…
I don’t find it wrong in keeping a little hope that can give you immense happiness or satisfaction… after all whole world is relying on hope!! If you have got hope for something you start act accordingly… I mean, if you are looking for something you will make all possible effort to get that… so keeping hope can make you act in a direction which will take you to your desired destination… the most important part in this, is to have clear idea for what you are keeping hope… you have put your heart in and she doesn’t even get a taste of it!! So always keep expectation, but from the right person… ironically, in most of the cases expectations are right but they fail because they are expected from a wrong person… sometimes everything is right but situations or circumstances aren’t fair enough… huh… and when expectations aren’t met, you broke down.
Are expectations one’s assumptions? Yes that’s absolutely right… assumptions are always made where there is a chance it to be true… if you are in any kind of relationship (Family, friend or love) and assuming everything is perfect, then somewhere you are expecting similar from your companion… because it can’t be perfect and stay for long if only one part is involved… the other half also have to contribute somewhat similar to make it absolutely perfect… good and long lasting relationships are made only when both contribute equally… and to check whether it is balanced… requires testing… a little testing is necessary to be assured of a good relationship… but it should be really little… testing brings expectation and vice-versa… expect only when it is really needed… when you really feel that something is missing… expecting a lot and expecting unnecessary can really make the statement “Never keep expectations, they hurt” true!!
Remember, Expectation always comes from the one who loves you… who really cares about you… the one who really needs you… your doodhwala... or your dhobi can’t expect anything from you except their payment!!
That’s it for now! You would say why ending it so abruptly… see, you are now expecting more from me  … no, it is just because things in my life which I like are ending up abruptly, without even notifying me… and unfortunately I like writing too!!
At last, a nice phrase from Leo Buscaglia, a prominent author, “Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around.”