Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Day Dreamer !

Had a dream of taking a walk with you,
A walk in the woods,
Talking about beautiful flowers, colorful butterflies
And a bit of about my childhood.  

Had a dream of taking a walk with you,
A walk in the rain,
Talking about grey cotton clouds, chilly breeze
And a bit of about my rising pain.

Had a dream of taking a walk with you,
A walk on the sea shore,
Talking about curled seashells, saffron horizon
And a bit of about my thrilling core.  

Had a dream of taking a walk with you,
A walk in the desert,
Talking about golden sand, uneven patterns
And a bit of about my failing effort.  

Felt a sudden thrust and found my dream broken, collected all scattered pieces; few were with sharp edges so they made me bleeding.  I buried them in a nearby graveyard. I often visit to this place. On my last visit, saw few things growing up on top of it, took a closer look and was amazed to see that those are nothing but memories, now they are in the shape of beautiful flowers and tiny plants. Now I daily sprinkle them with tears to keep them fresh and alive.

We often forget talks, we often forget stories
But we always remember our sweet, little, old memories.

So whenever you get any, just grab it, hold it tight and preserve it as if you are not going to have similar one again in your life.    


  1. wow! seems experienced well so written from ur heart :)
    wonderful thought!
    keep writing & smiling :)

  2. Beautiful Poem !
    The language needs more sharpening ... there are some grammatical mistakes ...
    However, all in all a very good post !
