Monday, September 6, 2010

Untitled !

It was blurred, it was all bleary,
Full of darkness, it was shadowy,
Could have wiped it, but took it all casually,
I never thought of sailing before,
I wish it was all easy and rest for sure.

                           It was lashing heavily, but took it all gladly,
                           Couldn’t feel that breeze, while it was so windy,
                           I made a wish, perhaps it wasn’t from the core,
                           I wish it was all easy and rest for sure.

It was into a big swirl, it was all broken badly
Tried my best, but now it wasn’t so lively,
I crossed all over but it happened on the shore,
I wish it was all easy and rest for sure.


  1. i liked that " I wish it was all easy and rest for sure." positive note
    nice one :)
