Wednesday, July 21, 2010

I wish It was all that easy...

I find it very difficult… really very difficult … the transformation of feelings into the words… and bring those words to the tongue… poor words have to travel all the way from crimson red cage(heart) to the trebuchet(tongue)… a steep climbing (down to up)… and that too carrying the load of feelings, emotions, desires, sentiments, hopes, fear and other hell lot of ‘U’ things… on the bet of dignity, honor, pride, self respect and other hell lot of ‘I’ things with it… try its the best… defying the law of gravity… but it fails… it will fail again and again… until it gets a tiny push from the person for which it is trying to come up… push can be in any form … but it should have some expression…  expression which leads words to just slip out of tongue… without putting any effort into it… expression could be either encouraging or discouraging(obviously, likely to be avoided!)… but it will take words to their launch pad!!… that’s for sure…

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