Monday, May 3, 2010

Resemblance with Happiness...

While I truly believe that fighting for someone that you love is noble, sometimes you end up wondering why you even tried fighting so hard... Things seem to get lost in all of the pride that you swallow and there is no happiness left in what you do. As for now, I am ready to take that new road and do what I want for me...
I admit that I have not been the perfect lover... but mostly because I couldn't even be me anymore... I was unable to express what I had become, and that caused me to make plenty of mistakes... I wish I could say that I regret everything that I ever did since, but I have started to feel that what happened has made it more clear as to why things didn't work... All in all, I need to stop being scared of being alone and settling for something that isn't good enough... I am in no way saying that you aren't a good person, you just aren't for me... I think the worst mistake I made was giving a second chance.
Word of the wise: do what makes you happy.
......... Some random feeling, thought of sharing :) ...........

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